

Skyline Electrical Supply takes our overall impact on the environment seriously – not just for all of us today but for our future generations.

Our Vision from the start

We envision our company as a completely carbon neutral distributor and a leader in our industry to help empower and push others to join us in making a difference. This is our objective and a goal we are laser focused on achieving.

What We are doing today

We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint with every action that we take - including; limiting travel where possible, reducing our energy consumption, implementing the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle in all parts of our business, adding EV charging capabilities, introducing lamp recycling, incentivizing EV use by employees, and utilizing Hybrid/EV delivery vehicles.

Our Goals for the future

After measuring our impact, our immediate goal is to reduce our footprint by 20%. We will continuously update you on our progress through our journey as we get closer and reach our goal of becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030.